August 23, 2007


Well it's finally happened! During my almost-daily blog stalking of some of my favorite photographers -- Jessica Claire, Becker, Jasmine Star -- I've noticed that a game of tag has been floating around photography blogs. Now it's finally happened! I've been tagged!

Every photographer who is tagged is supposed to post a blog containing a list of eight things that are not widely known about him or her. Following this list, the photographer then "tags" eight other photographers to keep the game going. (I'm only tagging 3 here simply because these are the only people I can think of that have not yet been tagged! This game is getting around...)

The photographer who tagged me is Michael Blanchard, a young, very talented photographer from the Boston area. I came across his blog last week thanks to Becker who posted a link to his blog in a recent post. I visited Michael's site and was totally impressed by his images so I left a comment telling him how much I liked his work. Today I saw that he tagged me on his blog... So here goes with my list of eight little known facts about me:

1. I just graduated with my Master's degree in Communication Management. Though I would love to work in this field, I just can't seem to picture myself at a desk job for 8-9 hours a day. So, instead I'm focusing on my photography (along with some other side jobs here and there) for a while to see where it takes me. Though my dream has always been to work behind-the-scenes in some area of the entertainment industry, I'm realizing more and more with every photography job that I really really love what I do and can't picture not being a photographer.

2. I studied and lived in London for four months during my years as an undergrad and I have dreams nearly every other night that I am back there. I loved the city so much and cannot wait until I have a chance to get back across the pond! Especially now that I have my 5D (aka "my baby") and all my fancy lenses that I didn't have while I was there last... How great would it be to travel around London and all of Europe with that kind of toy to document the beauty of those cities?!

3. Though I've traveled to many places in Europe, I have never been to New York City or any place on the East Coast. I hope to change that by the end of the year when I make a family trip out to Boston and we make an appearance in NYC for at least a day or two. :)

4. I'm pretty much addicted to celebrity "news." I read the blogs, buy the magazines, watch the shows -- I just love it all. No, it's not intellectual, nor is it the best way to spend some of my downtime (as a well-educated person I know it's totally trashy)... but I like it and I can't help it. :)

5. I'm not afraid of spiders or snakes or any of the other typical scary things... but being next to a propane tank puts me on edge. Weird... yes, I know.

6. When I was about 6 years old, my sister and I were playing around one of the fountains inside our local mall. I got careless and actually fell in! A few seconds after the plunge, some older women walked by laughing as one exclaimed, "Nice day for a swim, eh?" To this day my sister reminds me of that moment-- one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. And yes, now I'm publishing it here for all to read... I guess I'm over it now. :)

7. I definitely have a thing for shoes. Typical woman, I know, but I feel like I can never have enough shoes-- heels especially! Red, purple, green, black, gold, gray, silver, white.... I have 'em all and still need more...

8. I live as though every unique experience will enrich my life in some way. I'll pretty much do or try anything once just for the satisfaction of knowing that I've had the experience.

Okay. There you have it!

Now to the following people: TAG! YOU'RE IT!

1. Meg Perotti - My dear friend and amazing LA photographer.
2. Kim Fox - The woman who introduced me to high-end photography and really launched me to where I am now. I love second shooting for her because I always learn so much.
3. Josh Goodman - Josh and I met while we were both second-shooting for Kim Fox back in May. What a nice guy and amazing photographer!

Thanks, Michael, for the TAG! Have fun everyone :)


Anonymous portrait photography vancouver said...

Hello everybody,
I am new in photography, and willing to learn newer techniques. This post is really helpful please share some more about photography

7:57 PM  

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