July 06, 2007

Meet The Signet Ring...

I ventured away from photographing weddings a few weeks ago to do a pretty impromptu photo shoot for Ryan's band -- The Signet Ring. They have been hard at work writing songs and developing their sound since early 2006 and recently finished recording their demo album. In fact, I just heard the album in its entirety for the first time today, and it is amazing! I cannot wait to see what happens with them... they are all so amazing with music (and I'm not just saying that because Ryan is the guitarist)... they, as a band, really are a talented creative force. Not to mention, they're a pretty good-looking group making it easy to get some good photos of them! :)

Here are a few of my favorite photos from the evening... Stay tuned for more in the near future as we are already thinking about concepts for another shoot. And please, check them out on Myspace @ www.myspace.com/thesignetring -- there are no songs posted as of today, but they should be getting some tracks up soon!

The flowers as a background was actually Camille's idea... Such a great idea! I just love it...

This was up by the train tracks.. Isn't Camille beautiful?

Another by the train tracks with a different effect:

I just love this shot for some reason. We just drove until we found this huge rock by the side of the road... I love the textures in the rock and spontaneity in their poses.

Ryan was really into getting shots of them walking with the sun behind them. I had a lot of fun with this one adding textures and playing with the colors:



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6:53 PM  

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